Hapman Has Smooth, Efficient and Cost-effective Material Handling Solutions
From shingle gravel or sawdust, Hapman offers the engineering solutions that keep your building material handling systems running smoothly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. That expertise comes from more than 10,000 global installations and solutions for conveying more than 2,600 different bulk powders and solids. Now we are ready to take on your material handling problems or new product opportunities.
With our equipment line, you can minimize, or even eliminate the degradation that is now reducing your product quality or creating dust. Having trouble with your material blends separating as they move along the conveyor path? We’ll help you stop segregation. With our completely sealed systems, you can safely contain dust, and prevent product spillage and contamination problems, too. Computerized controls regulate speed and discharge rates so there are fewer downtime problems. Lump breakers and vibrators can prevent clogging.
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Several of our models are portable so with one conveyor you can do the work of two or three. Small footprints, installation flexibility, and custom configurations let you utilize more space for production. Finish choices, auger, and heavy-duty chain and circular flight material options give you the equipment durability that keeps your capital expenditures down. Dust collectors eliminate the expense and energy usage of auxiliary fans and filters. And all Hapman products are designed to minimize cleaning and maintenance time.

Hapman offers solutions to some of your biggest material handling frustrations:
And those solutions have helped to create a full line of material handling and conveyor equipment that you can use individually or as a system:
To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your building material handling, contact us. You’ll see measurable performance results – guaranteed.